b'SCHOOLS & EARLY YEARSIMPROVEMENT Working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.The SEYIS Team delivers statutory and core school improvement support in the London Borough of Enfield. Theteam consists of experienced advisers, including current Ofsted inspectors and specialist early years, SEN andgovernance advisers. Theteamworksinpartnershipwithyoutostrengthenleadershipandmanagement,improveteachingandlearning, build capacity at all levels and improve outcomes.In the academic year 2025/26, each LBE maintained school will have a termly visit with their Link Adviser. We willalso be offering those schools a half day for headteacher performance management. From Sept 2025, schools will beallocated an EYFS advisor from a school that has achieved Outstanding in their Early Years phase, within this Ofstedinspection cycle.The SEYIS team is strengthened by using a pool of well-regarded external consultants who are quality assured by theLA and given training on the local context. When a school or setting buys a package, it is discussed with the schoolslink adviser. Individual days within the package may be allocated to either LBE staff or to consultants, depending onthe expertise needed. We will work with the Professional Learning team to draw up a bespoke commissioning planfor each school, if there is need.There is also a traded SLA offer that provides highly effective, responsive support tailored to meet individual schoolimprovementneeds.Bespokeprofessionallearningmaybeincluded.Dependingonwhatisneeded,orwhoisdelivering this training, it will count as a half or whole day of the time from a package. Individual days can be boughtat any time.There are a number of packages below that can be bought that provide economy of scale for schools. There aresuggestions about how a school might wish to use the time that they buy. Discussion with Head/SLT will inform the commissioning plan for each school that has bought a package, ensuringthat support is tailored to individual contexts, but initial conversations may be able to identify the best use of thedays. This will ensure that the school is able to tailor the support to their individual context.'